I'm going to kick off by apologising in advance for the blog posts that will be following, this is my first time blogging so I'm sure by the end of the 6 months I may have managed to write at least one entertaining post!
So how am I feeling about the Google Squared course? Excited, nervous, daunted. Before reading through the course pack I was pretty sure I had the whole social media thing down to a T. How wrong could I be, I'd only hit the surface. I now have five different social media accounts on the go, including this blog. That's going to be my commute in and out of London everyday sorted.
Before signing up to Google Squared I vowed to never study or sit an exam again after uni, but somehow here I am! It was just too good an opportunity to let slip. As one of my favourite quotes says ' twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do'.
I'm excited to start the course and can't wait to find out what it will hold!